Craving for Dessert? This 3-minute beverage has you covered

Craving for a beverage that will help you feel warm and comfy in the changing weather? Switch on your favorite movie, try making a cup of coffee Caramello and curl up in bed while you enjoy this splendid drink.

The best part about this drink is the sinfully sweet blend of coffee and caramel. This is not just a warm beverage, Rage’s Creme Caramel coffee makes it taste just like a good dessert!

Ingredients Needed:

  • 250ml milk

  • Warm water

  • Rage Creme Caramel Coffee

  • Brown Sugar

  • Whipped Cream

    How to make:

    Step 1: In a small saucepan, heat 250ml of milk on low flame.

    Pouring milk in glass

    Step 2: While the milk is being heated, mix a spoonful of Rage creme caramel coffee with some brown sugar in a bowl. Make sure to grind the pieces of brown sugar finely while you do so with a spoon.

    Step 3: Add this mix to the hot milk that is being heated on the stove and mix well. Turn down the flame and pour this hot coffee into your favorite cup.

    Coffee mix

    Step 4: Once done, top it off with generous servings of whipped cream.

    Rage Creme Caramel Coffee   

    Voila! There goes your coffee caramello, the perfect beverage for some me-time. 

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